Though attending many higher education institutions is a great accomplishment, there’s something special ingrained in HBCUs that provides a level of confidence and perseverance that in my opinion is unmatched. As a woman of color entrepreneur, it hasn’t been easy to stay afloat, especially within the past couple of years. Per theNew York Fed, Black businesses experienced the most acute decline during the pandemic, with a 41% drop. Latinx business owners fell by 32% and Asian business owners dropped by 26%. Though we are making strides, the access to capital for minority women is still in the single digits percentile! But with many of us who attended HBCUs, we don’t give up!
We sat down with Mallorie Denmon, a realtor in Kansas City, Missouri and owner of Picturesque Properties, LLC. She is affiliated with Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate - Kansas City Homes, one of the top brokerage firms in the region.